Saturday, September 14, 2013

ABC Project: P is for Park.

Last week, I made plans with my sister-in-law Stephanie to take our kids to the Pocatello Zoo. It's not a huge zoo, but it would be the perfect size for Abbi. I was sure she would love it! We drove to the zoo, put our kids in the stroller and strolled up to the front gate. We then noticed they were CLOSED! Oooops! My bad, I guess I should have checked the hours online BEFORE we packed up our kids and drive out there huh?

Luckily, there was a cute little park next to the zoo. We L-O-V-E the park! Abbi loves to roam around and she is getting big enough she is starting to enjoy it more. As soon as she could hold her head up, we put her in a swing and she HATED it! Now she is older, and she loves it! NOT!! She screams! What child doesn't like the swing? She is scared to death of it! Little Daniel loved it while Abbi sat next to him crying like we were torturing her. (She is crazy!) But we tried out the slide for the first time and she really did love it! She even went down the little slide all by herself! It was a proud mom moment for sure! But her favorite thing at the park had to be the bark on the ground! She would carry handfuls around just because. Then, she started making a pile on one of the slides. (It was kinda the cutest thing ever!)

I can't believe how big my little girl is getting! I just love spending my days with her!

*I'm trying to compile a list of activities to do with Abbi... At least one activity for each letter of the Alphabet. (i.e. P is for Park) Am I making sense? Any suggestions would be great! 

No but seriously, send ideas my way!

(Also,  the new design is by Erin Elizabeth Design. You like it? She is a busy woman and with good reason! She is stinking talented! My design was well worth the wait! I just love it! Don't you?! Erin is so nice and down to earth! If you are in the market for a new design... Check her out!)

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