Thursday, September 19, 2013

Dear Abbi: Social Media.

Right now, you are 13 months old. You are sassy and cute and loud and BUSY and I love you A LOT! You and I spend all of our time together! It's the best! You are very independent and you like to learn things on your own at your own pace. But today I want to teach you an important lesson about the internet and social media. You see, I (your mommy) like social media. I have for a while and I probably spend too much time on it. It's fun to post pictures and update friends and family on what's going on in our life. 

But listen closely! Once you post a picture, status, tweet, blog post, etc online it stays there. FOREVER! When you get into Middle School and High School you will go to parties and football games and sometimes put on crazy 80's workout clothes and record yourself dancing. (you think you're really good but looking back you realize you look like you just walked through a giant spider web and you're freaking out trying to get it off.) It's really fun, I KNOW! But FYI, a delete button exists on EVERY camera. You do not have to post every single picture you take on Facebook or Instagram. If you do, you might regret it later. Just to prove a point, here are some embarrassing picture I have posted on the internet in the past years...

Yes, you are seeing this right. I am hugging a giant garbage can. 

Reason #874 you shouldn't whine, someone might take a picture and catch you in the act.
Long story short, think before you post things online.


P.S. If you'd like to comment you can either log in with Facebook or take 60 whole seconds and register with Disquis. Using this system will make it 30X easier to reply to you when you comment on my blog. :) And i like to reply to people it makes me and them feel good!

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